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News 2 > The Judging Academy (GTP) > Florian Hoffmann

Florian Hoffmann

Florian Hoffmann
Florian Hoffmann

Founder and CEO, Berlin DO School

Florian Hoffmann is the founder and CEO of Berlin’s DO School, a renowned development ground for purposeful doers from around the world, working in partnership with major institutions and corporations, including IKEA, H&M, the Deutsche Bahn, Covestro, Unilever, Axel Springer, the Hong Kong Jockey Club, the United Nations’ Environmental Program and others. Florian is a serial social entrepreneur and international speaker. He has received numerous awards for his work and was named one of 100 distinguished Young Global Leaders under 40 by the World Economic Forum in 2017.

"I wouldn't be where I am today without the countless amazing teachers who shaped me into the person I am today. I honoured to be able to give to back, and thank them, through the Global Teacher Prize."

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