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News 2 > Global Student Prize - Finalists > 2024 Finalists Global Student Prize > Faris Saadaat Bajwa

Faris Saadaat Bajwa

17 Jul 2024
United Arab Emirates
2024 Finalists Global Student Prize

Faris Saadaat Bajwa's passion for environmental conservation began in his childhood, nurtured by visits to the zoo and a fascination with animals. This interest grew into a deeper concern for wildlife and their habitats as he witnessed the effects of climate change on biodiversity. He encountered the impact of climate change at his grandmother’s house, where he observed shrinking puddles leaving tadpoles stranded and vulnerable. This early experience ignited his commitment to researching and addressing the effects of climate change on wildlife.

Determined to make a difference, he pursued an internship with WWF in Pakistan, participating in mangrove restoration efforts. This hands-on experience inspired him to create an indoor terrarium at home and later, as a teenager in Dubai, he joined mangrove plantation efforts with the Emirates Marine Environmental Group, going on to found the "Yalla Mangroves" digital platform promoting mangrove planting, connecting NGOs and individuals worldwide in these efforts. Via Yalla Mangroves he aims to expand to other GCC countries, planting 100,000 mangroves in the next year. He conducted research on mangrove ecosystems, publishing a primary research paper.

Academically, Faris excelled, achieving top grades in his GCSEs and won a silver medal in the British Biology Olympiad. Joining the Honorary Oxford Climate Society, he attended seminars, and won the Creativity for Sustainability Competition at the Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) in the UAE. Internships at Green Planet provided further exposure to zoology, tropical ecology, and conservation, while his involvement in the Ascend Program at the Dubai Expo led to the development of sustainable city models and an educational website, Agrocademy.

He volunteers via the Emirates Nature WWF Leaders of Change program and was selected as an Official UAE Youth Ambassador, which facilitated collaborations with global youth leaders and environmentalists at COP28. Managing the Mangrove Escape Room experience there, he raised awareness among UAE youth about the importance of mangroves. He established a Mangrove Society at school and led a nationwide campaign for the One Billion Tree Initiative, encouraging high school students to plant trees.

Coming from an expatriate family with strong ties to Pakistan, he seeks to make a difference in both the UAE and Pakistan, volunteering with organizations addressing poverty and health issues in Pakistan, raising funds for education and healthcare. Becoming aware of Pakistan's vulnerability to climate change, he worked with the IUCN to conserve turtle species and his environmental activism includes working with WWF and EMEG in the UAE and participating in the Oxford Climate Society, gaining insights into global climate challenges and solutions.

Overcoming personal challenges, Faris transformed his early speech difficulties into a strength through environmental work. He practiced speaking and gained confidence, eventually giving presentations to businesses about mangrove conservation. His vision extends globally, his platform partnering with NGOs in multiple countries, united by a common goal of combating climate change and preserving biodiversity.

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